Refractory Bricks

specification and size of fire brick

Nov 05,2014

General brick is very large in quantity, normally it is expressed by T, that is the first letter of Tong. For the number of general brick is T-1,T-2,T-3……..T-105。Z、C、S、K and J respectively express the straight of straight brick, the lateral of lateral wedge brick, the vertical and width of wide straight brick and the feet of arch feet brick, they are respectively the first letter of chinese Pinyin, ZHI, CE, SHU,KUAN, JIAO. The short transverse line are series”a” express brick length and a’ tens and hundreds,the next is C’(brick thickness) tens.“b” express the distance of large and small head of wedge brick, and b’s tens and hundreds.“K” at the end of number express the width of staggered brick joint.“L” express the slope length of arch feet brick, and its tens and hundreds, the next is the angle of inclination and its tens.
The model and size of general brick is close as the national standard,GB2992----8.The size are all L * W * T as follows:
Tz-1:172*114*65(mm) ;
Tz-2:230*114*32 (mm);
seven inch head171*114*65(mm);
Tc-29 300*150*65*55(mm);
half pc: 230*113*33.5(mm);
half pc: 230*56.5*65(mm);
stand, 6pcs:390*230*115(mm);
stand, 8pcs:520*230*115(mm);
stand, 10pcs:650*230*115(mm);
stand, 12pcs: 780*230*115(mm);
stand, 14pcs:910*230*115(mm);
stand, 16pcs:1040*230*115(mm),
flat, 4pcs:452*230*65(mm);
flat, 5pcs:565*230*65(mm);
stand, 6pcs :678 * 230 * 65(mm);
stand, 7pcs:791 * 230 * 65(mm);
flat, 8pcs :904 * 230 * 65(mm);
G -1: 230 * 150 * 150 *75(mm);
G- 2: 345 * 150 * 150 * 75(mm);
G -3: 230 * 150 * 135 * 75(mm);
G- 4: 345 * 150 * 130 * 75(mm);
G- 5: 230 * 150 * 120 * 75(mm);
G -6: 345 * 150 * 110 * 75(mm);
G- 7 230 * 150 * 90 * 75(mm);
G- 8: 345 * 150 * 90 * 75(mm);
G -9: 230 *100 * 90 * 75(mm);
G -10: 345 * 100 * 85 * 75(mm)。
All above are the common sizes of firebrick made by us.

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