Refractory Bricks

Regenerator Brick Of Glass Furnace

May 16,2017

A modern glass melting furnace must meet the requirements of high thermal efficiency, low energy consumption, stability of the material rate, good quality of glass, and more than five years of age. This puts forward higher requirements to the storage chamber regenerator which means that the thermal efficiency of the chamber regenerator must be further improved to greatly increase the preheating temperature of combustion air. Magnesia brick with the excellent performance is generally used in the regenerators of glass furnace.

Therefore, the structure and material of the chamber regenerator must meet the following conditions:

1. Keep the checker body smoothly operating and the checker bricks completely without flaking under the condition of high efficiency and heat insulation.

2. Select the checker brick with high thermal conductivity.

3. Improve the heat transfer area per unit volume of checker bricks, reduce the thickness of checker bricks and make it approach the theoretically optimal value, and ensure the structural stability of the checker.

Foreign research data show that, in the heat storage chamber, the effective thickness of the lattice brick in the heat exchange is 40mm. At this time, the whole brick thickness is involved in heat exchange, so as to obtain the maximum heat transfer efficiency.

As to the ten-shaped fused cast AZS block and the hexagonal base lattice brick, when the thickness of brick is the best theoretical value 40mm, it can keep the structure stable which can greatly increase the heat exchange area of checker brick, make the air distribution uniform and gas flow resistance small, and make it has good resistance to alkali, high temperature strength and good thermal performance, so the lattice body can keep flow in the whole kiln.

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