Refractory Bricks

The role of rotary kiln pulp

Jul 06,2017
Depending on the temperature and the chemical reaction, the whole rotary kiln can be divided into four temperature zones, which are the forging zone, the transition zone, the firing zone and the part of the cooling zone. The general firing zone is located in the kiln from the kiln to 5 times the diameter of the kiln in this area there is a relatively stable kiln pulp exists, kiln skin to extend the kiln refractory life and has a very critical role, rotary kiln maintenance costs , The proportion of refractory bricks is particularly large, if the kiln caused by kiln kiln, refractory brick costs are not, the loss of production will be greater. This shows that the protection of kiln skin to extend the life of refractory brick has an important role. But if the kiln is too thick will cause the kiln's effective space is reduced, is not conducive to the firing of the progress, and even cause knot kiln skin is clinker or dust from the liquid or semi-liquid phase into a solid, its main The role is:
1. Protection of refractory bricks, so that refractory bricks are not directly affected by high temperature and chemical erosion.
2. Storage of heat, to reduce the kiln to the surrounding heat loss, improve the rotary kiln thermal efficiency.
3. Acting as a heat transfer medium, in the kiln skin exposed to the air, and high temperature air contact, through the radiation or convection way to absorb heat, when the kiln in the lower part of the material contact, the conduction of heat transfer to raw materials.
4. Kiln surface rough, it can reduce the flow rate of powder to extend the material in the kiln reaction time.
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