Refractory Bricks

the requirements of refractory bricks

Nov 21,2016
Refractory bricks used in a variety of high-temperature equipment, it is subject to high temperature conditions of physical and chemical erosion and mechanical damage, so the performance of refractory should meet the following requirements:
(1) high refractoriness
Modern metallurgy and other industrial kiln heating temperature is generally between l000 ~ 1800 ℃. Refractory bricks should not be melted at high temperatures.
(2) high temperature structural strength
Refractory bricks should not only have a high melting temperature, but also should not occur softening deformation and collapse when the furnace masonry under the load and other mechanical vibration.
(3) thermal stability
In the course of the operation metallurgical furnaces and other industrial furnace, uaually due to sudden changes in temperature caused by uneven temperature of various parts of the material, masonry internal stress will cause the material rupture and peeling. Therefore, refractory bricks should be resistant to such damage.
(4) anti-slag ability
In the course of use refractory bricks, often suffered by the chemical corrosion of high temperature slag, metal and dust. Therefore, refractory bricks must be resistant to high temperature chemical corrosion.
(5) high temperature volume stability
Refractory brick in the long-term use of high temperature, the brick body as a result of crystal-shaped transformation will produce irreversible volume contraction or expansion, resulting in masonry damage. Therefore, refractory bricks require stability volume at high temperature.
(6) Dimensional regularity, small tolerance
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