Refractory Bricks

How to distinguish the insulation brick and refractory brick?

May 25,2017
Insulation brick is mainly used to heat insulation, reduce the loss of heat, insulation bricks generally do not directly contact the flame, and refractory bricks generally direct contact with the flame.
Here are some differences bettwen insulating brick and refractory brick:
1.insulating performance Insulation brick thermal conductivity is generally 0.2-0.4 (average temperature 350 ± 25 ℃) w / mk, and the thermal conductivity of refractory brick at 1.0 (average temperature of 350 ± 25 ℃) w / mk above, which can be obtained insulation brick The insulation performance than the fire-resistant insulation properties of the brick is much better.
 2.refractoriness Insulation brick insulation is generally below 1400 degrees, while the fire resistance of refractory brick in more than 1400 degrees.
3.Bulk Density Insulation bricks are generally lightweight insulation materials, the density is generally 0.8-1.0g / cm3, and the density of refractory bricks are basically 2.0g / cm3 or more.
In general, refractory bricks and insulation brick is very different, their use of the environment, scope, role are not the same. Different locations will use different materials, in the purchase of materials, according to the actual situation of your own enterprises to determine the appropriate refractory.

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