Refractory Bricks

The classified of insulation refractory material

Jun 17,2017

Insulation refractory material refers to the high porosity, small bulk density, which has thermal insulation properties, the role of heat can play a shielding material.

Insulation refractory variety, can be classified from different sides. One of the most commonly used classification methods is based on the chemical composition of materials or production of raw materials for classification and naming, such as the use of clay raw materials, siliceous or high-alumina raw materials made of light insulation refractory products known as light clay brick , Lightweight silicon brick or light high alumina brick.

If the classification according to the use of temperature, insulation refractories can be divided into three kinds:

1) low temperature insulation material, <600 ℃;

2) temperature insulation materials, 600 ~ 1200 ℃;

3) high temperature insulation material,> 1200 ℃.

From the bulk density, the bulk density of lightweight thermal insulation refractories is generally not more than 1.3g · cm-3, the commonly used lightweight thermal insulation refractory material density of 0.6 ~ 1.0g · cm-3, if the bulk density 0.3 ~ 0.4g · cm-3 or less, it is called ultra-light insulation refractory.

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