Refractory Bricks

There are several combinations of binding agents?

Aug 18,2017
(1) hydration and bonding: by means of the joint agent at room temperature and water hydration reaction to produce hydration products and produce a combination.
(2) chemical combination: by means of bonding agent and hardener, or between the binder and refractory material at room temperature chemical reaction, or chemical reaction occurs when heated with a binding agent to produce a combination of compounds.
(3) Polymerization Bonding: The bonding strength is generated by polycondensing the binder to form a network structure by means of a catalyst or a crosslinking agent.
(4) ceramic combination: refers to the combination of low-temperature sintering, that is, in the bulk of refractory material can be added to reduce the sintering temperature of the additives or metal powder to greatly reduce the liquid phase temperature, promote low temperature solid solution reaction and low temperature sintering Combination.
(5) Adhesive bonding: is combined with the following physical effects of one of the following. (a) physical adsorption: rely on the interaction between molecules - van der Waals force and produce a combination; (b) the role of diffusion: in the material molecules under the action of thermal motion, the binder and the molecules of the interaction with each other (c) Electrostatic effect: the interface between the binder and the bonded material has an electric double layer, which is produced by the electrostatic attraction of the electric double layer.
(6) agglomeration and bonding: rely on the addition of coagulants to microparticles (colloidal particles) cohesion and produce a combination.
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